The term “organic” simply refers to the process of how certain foods are produced using approved methods. These methods focus on:

No Chemical Fertilisers

No Herbicides

No Pesticides

No Additives

No Sewage Sludge used

No Irradiation used

No Genetic Engineering allowed

At Gerber®, we don’t stop at Organic, we go above and beyond what’s expected, leaving nothing to chance. Only Gerber® uses rigorous Clean Field Farming™ practices in our mission to give your little one the very best fruits and veggies.
It's not just Organic. It's Gerber® Organic.

Are you really buying Organic?
Watch for these labels here!
100% Organic


made with Organic

Organic Ingredient

Wait … so is Gerber® organic? You bet!

What does it mean to have USDA Organic label?
For all products that are sold, labelled, or represented as organic, it must meet all requirements in the USDA organic regulations.
The USDA organic regulations ensure that organically labeled products meet consistent national standards.
What are the 5 USDA organic crop standards?

Land to have no prohibited substances applied to it for at least 3 years before the harvest of an organic crop.

Soil fertility and crop nutrients maintained through tillage and cultivation practices.

Crop pests, weeds, and diseases will be controlled primarily through management practices including physical, mechanical, and biological controls.

Must use organic seeds and other planting stock when available.

The use of genetic engineering, ionizing radiation and sewage sludge is prohibited.